Although all kinds of lockable boxes and lockable cabinets have become more popular now, because some old-fashioned cabinets are still in use, or some doors are not suitable for modification, padlocks still have a certain usage rate. Compared with conventional door locks, padlocks are easily corroded by external influences because they are exposed, so the maintenance of padlocks is very important.

1. During the decoration of the house, please use a plastic bag (do not contact the surface of the lock with the adhesive tape) to seal the handle, panel and other exposed parts of the lock to prevent the surface treatment layer of the lock component from being worn during the decoration. The erosion of acidic or alkaline materials and gases produces spots, blisters and even delamination, which seriously affects the appearance and quality of locks. Some zinc alloy and copper locks will find “spots” after being installed on the door for a long time. This phenomenon is not rust, but oxidation. If this happens, just spray it with surface wax You can remove spots.

2. In normal use, if there is dirt, it can be removed with a dry cloth. Do not scrub with detergent or other chemicals. Otherwise, it will damage the protective film of the exposed parts and cause discoloration. Do not wipe the lock body and handle with a damp cloth, because some metal locks will rust; alloy locks will wear off the coating and lose their aesthetic effect.

 The above are the points that should be paid attention to in padlock maintenance. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about padlock manufacturers, the business needs of Sifang blade locks can continue to pay attention to the official website of our Pujiang County Jinlei Lock Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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